{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "StreamGages_20210114", "guid": "519603E7-E6F8-476B-B235-2791390263A5", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Snapshot of active and inactive stream gages in California from the fall of 2020. \n(last update 04/05/2021)", "description": "This layer is a snapshot of stream gages from the fall of 2020. It is the product of an attempt to compile a comprehensive, geospatial list of long-term stream gages whose data is publicly available. Initially, the layer will consist of USGS and CDEC gages. Over time, local (county, municipal, etc.) gages will be added. This layer is not claimed to be authoritative. In cases where this layer and the data maintained by the source entity differ, this layer always defers to the source entity.  For analysis purposes, the gage point locations have been altered by SWRCB to coincide with the corresponding line features in the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Medium Resolution.  The original point locations can be found "x" and "y" fields of the layer's attribute table.

For questions, contact the SWRCB Division of Water Rights:  DWR@waterboards.<\/span>ca<\/span>.gov.<\/span><\/div><\/div>

Data dictionary:<\/b><\/span><\/div>
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
Field Name<\/u><\/td>\n Description<\/u><\/td>\n Data Type<\/u><\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
SiteID<\/td>\n Site ID<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
SiteName<\/td>\n Site Name<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Operator<\/td>\n Agency or entity which operates\n the gage<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
DataSource<\/td>\n The agency or entity which\n publishes the data online (source not exclusive)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
SiteStatus<\/td>\n Is the site, in general, active\n or inactive?<\/td>\n Text - Active or Inactive<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Stage_YN<\/td>\n Did the gage report stage at any\n time?<\/td>\n Text - Y or N or U\n <Unknown><\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Stage_POR<\/td>\n Stage period of record in days\n (if a site had multiple stage sensors or duration codes, then the max POR was\n used)<\/td>\n Integer<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Stage_Status<\/td>\n Status of stage reporting\n (active/inactive)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Stage_RealTime<\/td>\n Is/was stage reported hourly or\n more frequently? <\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Flow_YN<\/td>\n Did the gage report flow at any\n time?<\/td>\n Text - Y or N or U\n <Unknown><\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Flow_POR<\/td>\n Flow period of record in days\n (if a site had multiple flow sensors or duration codes, then the max POR was\n used)<\/td>\n Integer<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Flow_Status<\/td>\n Status of flow reporting\n (active/inactive)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Flow_RealTime<\/td>\n Is/was flow reported hourly or\n more frequently? <\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
WatQual_YN<\/td>\n Did the gage report one or more\n water quality parameters at any time?  Includes parameters such as water\n chemistry, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity, but not temperature<\/td>\n Text - Y or N or U\n <Unknown><\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
WatQual_POR<\/td>\n Water quality period of record\n in days (if a site had multiple water quality sensors or duration codes, then\n the max POR was used)<\/td>\n Integer<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
WatQual_Status<\/td>\n Status of water quality\n reporting (active/inactive)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
WatQual_RealTime<\/td>\n Is/was water quality reported\n hourly or more frequently? <\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Temp_YN<\/td>\n Did the gage report water\n temperature at any time?<\/td>\n Text - Y or N or U\n <Unknown><\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Temp_POR<\/td>\n Temperature period of record in\n days (if a site had multiple temperature sensors or duration codes, then the\n max POR was used)<\/td>\n Integer<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Temp_Status<\/td>\n Status of temperature reporting\n (active/inactive)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Temp_RealTime<\/td>\n Is/was temperature reported\n hourly or more frequently? <\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
FloodMgmt<\/td>\n Primary purpose of gage is flood\n management<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
EcosysMgmt<\/td>\n Primary purpose of gage is\n ecosystem management (flow and water quality)<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
GrdwtrMgmt<\/td>\n Primary purpose of gage is\n groundwater management<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
PubSafety<\/td>\n Primary purpose of gage is\n public safety<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
WtrSupply<\/td>\n Primary purpose of gage is water\n supply (municipal or agricultural)<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Ref_GagesII<\/td>\n Is the gage site considered a\n reference site in Gages II dataset?<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
StrmOrder<\/td>\n Strahler stream order<\/td>\n Integer<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
UCDStrmClass<\/td>\n UCD eFlows stream classification<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
StreamType<\/td>\n Type of water conveyance the\n gage is measuring (e.g. Stream/River, Canal/Ditch, Artificial Path,\n etc.) <\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
TotDASqKM<\/td>\n Total drainage area in square\n kilometers<\/td>\n Double<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
TotDASqMi<\/td>\n Total drainage area in square\n miles<\/td>\n Double<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
GNISID_MedRes<\/td>\n GNIS (Geographic Names\n Information System) identification number of the NHD line segment the gage is\n on (from the NHD Medium Resolution dataset)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
RchCd_MedRes<\/td>\n Reach Code identification number\n of the NHD line segment the gage is on (from the NHD Medium Resolution\n dataset)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
COMID_MedRes<\/td>\n COM ID (common identifier) of\n the NHD line segment the gage is on (from the NHD Medium Resolution dataset)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
WebLink<\/td>\n Web address to access each\n gage's data<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
x_orig<\/td>\n X coordinate as provided by\n source entity (NAD83 CA Teale Albers meters)<\/td>\n Double<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
y_orig<\/td>\n Y coordinate as provided by\n source entity (NAD83 CA Teale Albers meters)<\/td>\n Double<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
WtrshdNm_HUC8<\/td>\n Name of containing HUC8\n watershed<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
HUC8<\/td>\n Containing HUC 8 (Hydrologic\n Unit Code 8) identifier<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
WtrshdNm_HUC10<\/td>\n Name of containing HUC10\n watershed<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
HUC10<\/td>\n Containing HUC 10 (Hydrologic\n Unit Code 10) identifier<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
WtrshdNm_HUC12<\/td>\n Name of containing HUC12\n watershed<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
HUC12<\/td>\n Containing HUC 12 (Hydrologic\n Unit Code 12) identifier<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
GageGap_Status<\/td>\n Status of Gage for Gage Gap\n Analysis (e.g. Well-Gaged, AWG = Almost Well-Gaged, or Exclude)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Infrastructure<\/td>\n Gage is suspected of being\n located on infrastructure<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
ReactivateSF<\/td>\n Gage is a candidate for\n reactivation<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
Priority_Reactivate<\/td>\n Reactivation priority based on\n gage metadata alone (e.g. period_of_record, parameter status, end-date and\n other factors, but not including based on gage gap or management criteria)<\/td>\n Text<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
AddFlow_2Stage<\/td>\n Upgrade candidate: gage is\n actively reporting stage, potential upgrade to flow and stage<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
AddFlow_2WQ<\/td>\n Upgrade candidate: gage is\n actively reporting water quality or temperature data, but not flow and/or\n stage.<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
AddTelemetry<\/td>\n Upgrade candidate: gage is\n actively reporting stage and/or flow, but not in real-time<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n
AddTemp_2Flow<\/td>\n Upgrade candidate: gage is\n actively reporting stage and/or flow, but not water temperature<\/td>\n Text - Y or N<\/td>\n <\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/div>", "summary": "Snapshot of active and inactive stream gages in California from the fall of 2020. \n(last update 04/05/2021)", "title": "California Stream Gages", "tags": [ "Stream gage", "gage", "SWRCB", "Division of Water Rights", "State Water Resources Control Board", "Water", "California" ], "type": "Feature Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Feature Service", "ArcGIS Server", "Feature Access", "providerSDS" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -124.393968283915, 32.4425202476792 ], [ -113.512360117245, 42.0454996378493 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers", "accessInformation": "SWRCB Division of Water Rights, USGS NWIS, USGS NHDPlus, USGS WBD, DWR CDEC, UC Davis (https://eflows.ucdavis.edu/hydrology)", "licenseInfo": "This layer is not claimed to be authoritative. In cases where this layer and the data maintained by the source entity differ, this layer always defers to the source entity. This layer joins existing data from various sources along with newly-created data. Many of the attribute fields were populated using geoprocessing tools, and while post-processing spot checks were performed, the large number of features precludes complete data verification. Therefore, the data can be used to identify large trends, but where accuracy of individual site data is crucial, the data should be verified by viewing the source data." }