| Aptos/ValAptos/Valencia Creek Pathogen |
| Arroyo De La Cruz Fecal Indicator Bacteria |
| Arroyo Paredon Diazinon |
| Arroyo Paredon Nitrate |
| Bell Creek Nitrate |
| Cholame Creek Fecal Indicator Bacteria |
| Chorro Creek Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen |
| Clear Creek/Hernandez Reservoir Mercury |
| Corralitos Creek Pathogen |
| Dairy Creek Dissolved Oxygen |
| Elkhorn Slough Biostimulatory Substances |
| Estrella River Boron |
| Franklin Creek Nutrients |
| Glen Annie Nitrate |
| Jalama Creek Chloride and Sodium |
| Las Tablas Creek/Lake Nacimiento Mercury |
| Los Berros Creek Nitrate |
| Los Osos/Warden Creek/Warden Wetland Nutrient |
| Lower Sallinas Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon |
| Morro Bay Pathogen |
| Morro Bay Sediment |
| Pajaro Chlorpyrifos Diazinon |
| Pajaro Fecal Coliform |
| Pajaro Nutrient |
| Pajaro Sediment |
| Pinto Lake Cyanobacteria |
| Salinas Fecal Coliform |
| Salinas Nutrients |
| Salinas Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticide Sediment |
| San Antonio Creek Chlorpyrifos |
| San Antonio River Fecal Indicator Bacteria |
| San Lorenzo Creek Fecal Indicator Bacteria |
| San Lorenzo River Nitrate |
| San Lorenzo River Pathogen |
| San Lorenzo River Sediment |
| San Lorenzo River, Arana Gulch Chlorpyrifos |
| San Luis Obispo Nutrient |
| San Luis Obispo Pathogen |
| San Simeon Nutrient |
| Santa Maria Fecal Indicator Bacteria |
| Santa Maria Nutrients |
| Santa Maria Toxicity and Pesticides |
| Soquel Pathogen |
| Tularcitos Fecal Indicator Bacteria |
| Watsonville Pathogen |