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Legend (R3_TMDLs)

Region 3 TMDL Project Areas (0)
Aptos/ValAptos/Valencia Creek Pathogen Aptos/ValAptos/Valencia Creek Pathogen
Arroyo De La Cruz Fecal Indicator Bacteria Arroyo De La Cruz Fecal Indicator Bacteria
Arroyo Paredon Diazinon Arroyo Paredon Diazinon
Arroyo Paredon Nitrate Arroyo Paredon Nitrate
Bell Creek Nitrate Bell Creek Nitrate
Cholame Creek Fecal Indicator Bacteria Cholame Creek Fecal Indicator Bacteria
Chorro Creek Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen Chorro Creek Nutrients and Dissolved Oxygen
Clear Creek/Hernandez Reservoir Mercury Clear Creek/Hernandez Reservoir Mercury
Corralitos Creek Pathogen Corralitos Creek Pathogen
Dairy Creek Dissolved Oxygen Dairy Creek Dissolved Oxygen
Elkhorn Slough Biostimulatory Substances Elkhorn Slough Biostimulatory Substances
Estrella River Boron Estrella River Boron
Franklin Creek Nutrients Franklin Creek Nutrients
Glen Annie Nitrate Glen Annie Nitrate
Jalama Creek Chloride and Sodium Jalama Creek Chloride and Sodium
Las Tablas Creek/Lake Nacimiento Mercury Las Tablas Creek/Lake Nacimiento Mercury
Los Berros Creek Nitrate Los Berros Creek Nitrate
Los Osos/Warden Creek/Warden Wetland Nutrient Los Osos/Warden Creek/Warden Wetland Nutrient
Lower Sallinas Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon Lower Sallinas Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon
Morro Bay Pathogen Morro Bay Pathogen
Morro Bay Sediment Morro Bay Sediment
Pajaro Chlorpyrifos Diazinon Pajaro Chlorpyrifos Diazinon
Pajaro Fecal Coliform Pajaro Fecal Coliform
Pajaro Nutrient Pajaro Nutrient
Pajaro Sediment Pajaro Sediment
Pinto Lake Cyanobacteria Pinto Lake Cyanobacteria
Salinas Fecal Coliform Salinas Fecal Coliform
Salinas Nutrients Salinas Nutrients
Salinas Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticide Sediment Salinas Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticide Sediment
San Antonio Creek Chlorpyrifos San Antonio Creek Chlorpyrifos
San Antonio River Fecal Indicator Bacteria San Antonio River Fecal Indicator Bacteria
San Lorenzo Creek Fecal Indicator Bacteria San Lorenzo Creek Fecal Indicator Bacteria
San Lorenzo River Nitrate San Lorenzo River Nitrate
San Lorenzo River Pathogen San Lorenzo River Pathogen
San Lorenzo River Sediment San Lorenzo River Sediment
San Lorenzo River, Arana Gulch Chlorpyrifos San Lorenzo River, Arana Gulch Chlorpyrifos
San Luis Obispo Nutrient San Luis Obispo Nutrient
San Luis Obispo Pathogen San Luis Obispo Pathogen
San Simeon Nutrient San Simeon Nutrient
Santa Maria Fecal Indicator Bacteria Santa Maria Fecal Indicator Bacteria
Santa Maria Nutrients Santa Maria Nutrients
Santa Maria Toxicity and Pesticides Santa Maria Toxicity and Pesticides
Soquel Pathogen Soquel Pathogen
Tularcitos Fecal Indicator Bacteria Tularcitos Fecal Indicator Bacteria
Watsonville Pathogen Watsonville Pathogen