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Item Information

snippet: A well used in the estimation of groundwater quality in the specified PLSS section. Fields indicate with a yes or no if the well was used in each of the six constituents that are included in the Needs Analysis application.
summary: A well used in the estimation of groundwater quality in the specified PLSS section. Fields indicate with a yes or no if the well was used in each of the six constituents that are included in the Needs Analysis application.
extent: [[-124.2617,32.54508],[-114.1334,41.9985]]
accessInformation: Data queried from the GAMA GW Information System, August 2019.
_ssl: true
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: <div><span style='font-family: &quot;Avenir Next W01&quot;, &quot;Avenir Next W00&quot;, &quot;Avenir Next&quot;, Avenir, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;'>A well used in the estimation of groundwater quality in the specified PLSS section. Fields indicate with a yes or no if the well was used in analyses of each of the six constituents that are included in the Needs Analysis application.</span><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Dataset valid values:</div><div>DDW- CA State Water Board Division of Drinking Water public supply well</div><div>LOCALGW- regional groundwater monitoring projects</div><div>AGLAND- Regulated Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) wells</div><div>DWR- CA Department of Water Resources voluntary well</div><div>GAMA_DOMESTIC- Domestic well volunteered for the CA State Water Board GAMA Program Domestic Well Project sampling and analysis.</div><div>GAMA_PBP- well volunteered for sampling and analysis for the CA State Water Board GAMA Program Priority Basin Project.</div><div>USGS_NWIS- groundwater quality data retrived from wells in the National Water Information System (NWIS) of USGS. </div><div><br /></div>
licenseInfo: <span style='font-family: &quot;Avenir Next W01&quot;, &quot;Avenir Next W00&quot;, &quot;Avenir Next&quot;, Avenir, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;'>All data in this map can be downloaded or connected to a GIS through the State Water Board REST endpoint, also accessed through the item details of each layer in this application.</span>
title: Map
type: Map Service
tags: ["groundwater","State Water Resources Control Board","GAMA","domestic wells","ArcGIS","Service Definition",".sd"]
culture: en-US
name: Wells_Needs_Analysis
guid: 6ED71BFF-4776-4A7F-9349-B51E6E67C6C3
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_California_Teale_Albers_FtUS