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Service Description: This map details the HUC 12s with Watershed Based Plans submitted through the California State Water Resources Control Board Clean Water Act 319(h) grant program. Each HUC 12 highlighted in this map has associated documents and TMDLs that address the nine key elements needed to create a Watershed Based Plan. These elements include: a. Identify causes and sources of pollution, b. Estimate expected load reductions, c. Describe management measures and targeted critical areas, d. Describe technical and financial assistance needed, e. Develop education component, f. Develop schedule, g. Describe interim, measurable milestones, h. Identify indicators to measure progress, i. Develop a monitoring component. “RFP Year” is a Long field type, and describes the year in which the proposal was submitted to the Clean Water Act 319(h) grant program. “Pin #” is a Long field type, and is the pin number associated with the proposal in the Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool (FAAST). “Title” is a Text field type, and names the title of the Clean Water Act 319(h) grant proposal. “Applicant” is a Text field type, and names the applicant for the Clean Water Act 319(h) grant proposal. “Region” is a Long field type, and identifies the Regional Water Quality Control Board (1 through 9) in which the Watershed Based Plan exists. “Watershed Name” is a Text field type, and names the watershed in which the Watershed Based Plan exists. “Is the Watershed Based Plan based solely on a TMDL?” is a Text field type, and states whether or not the Watershed Based Plan is based solely on a TMDL or if the Watershed Based Plan incorporates other documents. “Watershed Based Plan documents” is a Text field type, and names the document(s) that comprise the Watershed Based Plan. “Citation or Link” is a Text field type, and details where the associated Watershed Based Plan document(s) can be found (e.g., on the internet or elsewhere). “HUC 12” is a Text field type, and names the twelve digit hydrologic unit code addressed by the Watershed Based Plan.
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Copyright Text: Nonpoint Source Unit, Division of Water Quality, State Water Resources Control Board
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -130.08628413137305
YMin: 34.580569273896835
XMax: -110.79177453309947
YMax: 44.34007823565192
Spatial Reference: 4269
Full Extent:
XMin: -124.19913939186938
YMin: 33.59249252740824
XMax: -116.95625308601109
YMax: 41.96053010418103
Spatial Reference: 4269
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
Document Info:
Comments: This map details the HUC 12s with Watershed Based Plans submitted through Clean Water Act 319(h) grant submittals. Each HUC 12 highlighted in this map has associated documents and TMDLs that address the nine key elements needed to create a Watershed Based Plan. These elements include: a. Identify causes & sources of pollution b. Estimate load reductions expected c. Describe mgmt measures & targeted critical areas d. Estimate technical and financial assistance needed e. Develop education component f. Develop schedule g. Describe interim, measurable milestones h. Identify indicators to measure progress i. Develop a monitoring component “RFP Year” is a Long field type, and describes the year in which a request for proposals was solicited for the Clean Water Act 319(h) grant program. This will be the same year that the watershed based plan documents were organized.
“Pin #” is a Long field type, and is the pin number for the Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool.
“Title” is a Text field type, and names the title of the Clean Water Act 319(h) grant application.
“Applicant” is a Text field type, and names the applicant for the Clean Water Act 319(h) grant application.
“Region” is a Long field type, and identifies the Regional Water Quality Control Board (1 through 9) that the watershed based plan is based within.
“Watershed Name” is a Text field type, and names the watershed that the watershed based plan is for.
“Is the Watershed Based Plan based soley on a TMDL?” is a Text field type, and states whether or not the watershed based plan is solely on a TMDL.
“Watershed Based Plan documents” is a Text field type, and names the documents that comprise the Watershed Based Plan.
“Citation or Link” is a Text field type, and details where the associated Watershed Based Plan document can be found on the internet or elsewhere.
“HUC 12” is a Text field type, and names the twelve digit hydrologic unit code that the watershed based plan is based within.
Subject: This map details the HUC 12s with Watershed Based Plans submitted through Clean Water Act 319(h) grant submittals.
Keywords: SWRCB,Nonpoint Source,Watershed Based Plans
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON
Supports Query Data Elements:
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
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