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snippet: This map displays all stations or facilities that collect and store monitoring data in one of the Water Boards’ databases. The data used to create this map come from the California Data Exchange Network (CEDEN), Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Ass
summary: This map displays all stations or facilities that collect and store monitoring data in one of the Water Boards’ databases. The data used to create this map come from the California Data Exchange Network (CEDEN), Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Ass
extent: [[-124.506151378365,32.4237134456588],[-113.497815478567,42.1443080000001]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This map shows all of the monitoring in California using the data collected and stored in the Water Boards’ many databases. Data in the directed category is collected by Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) which designs its monitoring to answer statewide/regional board priorities and are in machine readable format. Data in the collected category are also in machine readable format and are part of a requirement of NPDES permits, MS4, and WDRs. Data in the reported category are not in machine readable format and are collected as part of a regulatory format.
title: allwqdataopendataportal104
type: Map Service
tags: ["Monitoring","Water Quality","SWAMP","CEDEN","CIWQS","SMARTS","GAMA","surface water","ground water","report","collect","direct","401","NPDES","Caltrans","WDR","USGS","Stormwater"]
culture: en-US
name: allwqdataopendataportal104
guid: 18B13DF3-E1DA-4B02-88CD-534942470926
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere